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Contact us

If you need medical advice or attention, please call Heathline on 0800 611 116 or visit your GP or local Accident & Medical Clinic. For serious injury and health concerns go to a hospital Emergency Department or call 111. Additional emergency contact numbers can be found here.

General enquiries

Call 09 367 0000

Inpatient enquiries

Call 09 375 4300

Please note that we can only give out information about the ward that a particular patient is in and their general condition.

Appointment enquiries

Call 09 638 0400 or email Please note that we receive our highest volume of calls in the early morning - please call outside of this time if you can.

Rescheduling your operation

Feeling unwell before your operation? If you have a change in your health that has required medical attention or hospitalisation since your appointment with the surgeon OR have any of the following symptoms within 3 days of your operation, please let us know:

  • Fevers/temperatures
  • Diarrhoea/vomiting
  • Infected wounds.

Please call and speak with the surgical booker on 0800 787 442 (Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm) or email

Contacting a service

Contact numbers for some services can be found by looking up the service in the A–Z directory (). If you are having trouble locating a particular service or are unsure of which service to contact, please phone our general enquiries line on 09 367 0000.

Support service enquiries

Contact numbers for Chaplaincy, Interpreting Services, Social Workers, He Kamaka Waiora, and Starship Pacific Family Support services can be found on our support services page.

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